Monday, August 30, 2010

8/26/2010 Rehearsal Notes

We began to set interaction points in the score where proximity and/or energy cue one of the performers to move to the next section. The moments we identified so for:
1) K exhale/drop to ground signals Nat's arms off the chest
2) K walk stage R signals Nat turn downstage
3) K approach Nat on upstage horizontal signals shifts between gestural material, fitting two fingers together to pointing out
4) Nat's tracing gesture draws K along the upstage horizontal
5) Nat's shaking releases K from upstage horizontal/stage right vertical pathway into circular paths in space
6) K falls, Nat transitions to standing point with slow descent to floor over foot
7) Nat drop to floor is triggered by K in proximity, back bend

We also discussed the two roles, whether one is a scientist and the other an ex-scientist, etc. If this distinction is useful for generating material, then we can work in it, but I'd like to steer away from anything allegorical. We also talked about how the gestural material can create more tension and muscular activity in the body, and the dramatic consequences of this were quite stunning.

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